Social Sciences
Local Business Center
The Division of the Social Sciences’ Local Business Center (LBC) provides financial and business support to departments and faculty members in the following key areas: budgeting and account administration, grant administration, procurement, and payroll support.
This page provides a quick reference of links and resources most commonly needed by Faculty.
This page provides a quick reference of links and resources most commonly needed by Staff.
This page provides a quick reference of links and resources most commonly needed by IP/SIP/Postdocs.
Funding Guidelines and Resources
Research/Start-up Funds
Accessing Research Funds
Requesting SSD Research Funds
Accessing Start-up Funds
Grants/External Funds
SSD Grant Policy and Procedures
Submitting a Proposal
Requesting an IRB Study
Requesting a Subaward
Requesting a Course Buy-out
Requesting a No-Cost Extension
Post-Award Accounting
Grant Milestone Project Reports
Submitting Grant Financial Reporting
Closing Out a Grant
Expenses and Reimbursements
Account Reconciliations and Policies
Budget Guidelines for FY24
Procurement Documentation
SSD Allowable Expenses
Submitting GEMS Reports
Oracle Access and Training
GEMS Procurement Card Request
GEMS Reporting Deadline Dates
GEMS Card Limit Changes
Buying Research Materials/Office Supplies
Buying Computer Equipment
Business Meals Payment
In-Person Event Payment
SSD Conference Funds Request
Non-Travel Reimbursements
Travel Reimbursements
Travel Booking and Payment
Wire Transfers
Travel Advance
Petty Cash Request
Student Reimbursement
Student Stipends, Prizes and Awards
Out-of-Pocket Expense Approval
Research Subject Payments, Gift Cards, Other Prolific Payments
IRS Government Mileage Rates
Relocation Reimbursement
Contract Review and Approval
Vendor Set-Up Documentation
Payment Stop or Re-issue
Contact Shared Services