Due to the implementation of Oracle, procurement documentation requirements have changed. Contact your LBC Business Manager and discuss how you can incorporate the university procurement policies into your procurement planning. Please be aware that for any purchase or any service contract over $10,000 require additional documentation and review and approval from Procurement Services.
Non-Catalog Goods and Services
Non-catalog goods and services requests should be submitted through Oracle when a payment is not allowable as a payment request. The request must be submitted before the goods or services are received. A list of allowable non-catalog procurement categories can be found here. Notable categories include consultant/contractor payments that are not going to be paid from a grant and business meals (i.e., catering).
Instructions on how to submit a non-catalog requisition can be found here. Once the requisition is approved, a purchase order will be sent to the supplier and the goods and services can be fulfilled. Once the goods and services are fulfilled, the supplier will then submit an invoice according to the purchase order terms.
Dollar Thresholds and Required Documentation
Detailed information about dollar thresholds and required documentation can be found here.
- Purchases less than $10,000 require documentation of the price of the goods or services.
- Purchases over between $10,000 and $250,000 require review and approval from Procurement Services before the goods or services are received and a purchase order can be sent to the supplier.
- The Source and Price Reasonableness Form must be completed. For a more comprehensive description of acceptable methods of price analysis to determine price reasonableness can be found here.
- The form and additional documentation must be submitted for Procurement Contract/Project review through the Shared Services portal. Once reviewed and approved, the purchase order can be sent to the supplier to fulfill the goods or services.
- Purchases over $250,000 require competitive proposals. Procurement Services should be proactively engaged.
Payment Request
Payment request can be submitted to pay or reimburse non-University affiliates, such as visitors, speakers, and certain consultants/contractors. A list of allowable payment request procurement categories can be found here.
Consultants/Contractors that are being paid from a grant and are part of the approved budget can be paid via payment request. If a consultant/contractor is not being paid from a grant, a purchase order request must be submitted before the services are received. See additional information in the non-catalog goods and services section.
The supplier must be set up in Oracle before the payment request can be submitted. The Supplier Set-up or Modify form should be submitted to create the supplier Oracle record. Instructions on how to submit a payment request can be found here.
- When submitting the payment request: upload a flyer for the event with the person’s name published and email document initiating the payment with accounting string and amount.
- There are also restrictions when paying foreign individuals depending on Visa type.
- More information here: https://finserv.uchicago.edu/payroll/independent/honorarium.shtml
- When submitting the payment request: upload official receipts, and any other supporting documentation. Supporting documentation standards can be found here.
- Some visitors may be reimbursed for travel as well as be recipients of honoraria for the same visit. These two payments should be handled as two separate payment requests and cannot be combined.
- Can only be paid via payment request if being paid from a grant.
- When submitting the payment request: upload invoice, etc.
All GEMS card expenses incurred should be reconciled (submitted for approval and paid from the proper accounts) within 30 days after the purchase. The card holder will receive 30-day and 60-day notifications. Should GEMS card expenses remain unreconciled after the 90-day notice, the outstanding card balance can be deducted from the card holder’s paycheck and the card may be closed.
Information about supporting documentation standards can be found here.
Please contact your assigned Business Manager or the SSD LBC at SSD-LBC@uchicago.edu, and the Business Manager assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.
Related links:
GEMS System Login Page: https://gems.uchicago.edu/login/auth.php
Oracle Login Page: https://oracle.uchicago.edu