A reimbursement to an individual (RTI) is defined as a payment to an individual for business expenses incurred on behalf of the University and paid for with personal funds. The University will reimburse individuals for business-related purchases up to $500.00. Supporting documentation and proof of payment is required for all reimbursement requests. These items become the sole property of the University (Policy 1201).
Out of pocket expense requests over $500 require prior approval from the University Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration – Jee He Kim – jeehekim@uchicago.edu.
The University may only reimburse reasonable and prudent business expenses. Examples of non-reimbursable expenditures include, but are not limited to:
- Personal in nature
- Responsibility of another entity
- Servicesrendered by a company or individual
Method of Reimbursement
- Employees:
- Non-employees:
To learn more, please contact SSD Local Business Center at SSD-LBC@uchicago.edu and the LBC Grant Specialist assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.