Divisional Research Funds
Research funds provided by the Division may be used to support research activities including but not limited to research assistants, manuscript preparation, books, supplies, equipment and software, and travel.
Current research allowance renewals and/or new divisional research funds are requested in March-April, annually. The SSD LBC emails faculty with details on when and how to request research funds.
Faculty members may have access to other funds beyond their divisional research fund. A common outside source of funding is research funding provided by The College to faculty members who teach in the Core. These funds are managed by The College and typically are accessible through the LBC. If you have such funds, your balance is available here.
In addition, other sources of internal “grants” are available to faculty members. These may be managed outside of the division. If you have multiple sources of funding, please inform your Business Manager or Grant Specialist which source of funding should be used to charge expenses. Otherwise, spending will default to the faculty members SSD’s research account.
For questions regarding your research funds, please contact your assigned Business Manager or the SSD LBC at SSD-LBC@uchicago.edu, and the Business Manager assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.