Relocation Reimbursements

The University process for submitting relocation reimbursements is processed directly by Payroll rather than the submission being done through ePayment or GEMS. Please be aware of the pre-determined allowance written in your offer letter, that is what the Business Center will reference when submitting your request. To confirm your relocation funding, please contact your department administrator or contact SSD Local Business Center at and the LBC Business Manager assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.

When preparing documents for a relocation reimbursement, take note of the following:

  • Provide receipts for any expense reimbursements. If you received a quote or estimate rather than a receipt, please include the bank transaction with matching vendor, dollar amount, and approximate date.
  • Personal vehicles are reimbursed an a ‘per mile’ basis according to IRS guidelines. Provide a travel map that shows the number of miles driven.
  • Complete the Moving Reimbursement Form and create an excel file itemizing all expense types and amounts.

Place all these documents into a compressed (zipped) folder and email it to your assigned Business Manager. From there, your case will be reviewed and submitted to payroll for processing. Relocation reimbursements are processed at the same time as your paycheck, so you will receive a lump sum.

Note: Relocation reimbursements are taxed at your ordinary income level.

Each relocation transaction must be supported by adequate documentation by (i.e. IRS) federal regulations. If the University is making the payment, it should know precisely what it is paying for. This document describes the various supporting documentation requirements of the University.

All receipts must sufficiently detail the item(s) that were purchased.

All expenses must be adequately documented whether a receipt is required.

Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more. Hotel/lodging expenses are an exception and must have receipts regardless of dollar amounts

Meals charged to grants are required to have a detailed/itemized receipt no matter what amount.

A description of the good or service purchased/business purpose, date of purchase, and amount of expense must accompany all requests for reimbursement or payment.

Proof of Payment is required.

Lost receipts requirements:

  1. A note acknowledging the receipt(s) was lost
  2. Confirm reimbursement will not occur from another source
  3. Description of the item(s) that were purchased, business purpose, date of occurrence, and amount of expense

To learn more, please contact SSD Local Business Center at The LBC Business Manager or Grant Specialist assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.