Procurement Documentation


A GEMS credit card can be issued to authorized faculty and staff to facilitate payment of frequent and/or time sensitive expenses. These cards can be designated for travel and/or procurement uses for University business. The GEMS card should not be used for personal expenses. Those who wish to apply for a card should consult with their Business Manager before completing the application materials.

All GEMS card expenses incurred should be reconciled (submitted for approval and paid from the proper accounts) within 30 days after the purchase. The card holder will receive 30-day and 60-day notifications. Should GEMS card expenses remain unreconciled after the 90-day notice, the outstanding card balance can be deducted from the card holder’s paycheck and the card will be closed.


ePayment is a system for non-University affiliates, such as visitors, speakers, contractors, and vendors. To set-up someone in ePayment, you must collect and submit the proper documentation for the Shared Services request Supplier Set-up or Modify. You may skip the supplier set-up if it is a one-time payment and upload all documents directly to the ePayment request.


  • Contractor
    • Set-up through Shared Services: W9 or W8-BEN and IC Contractor Questionnaire
    • When submitting ePayment: upload the invoice.
  • Vendor/Supplier
    • Set-up through Shared Services: W9 or W8-BEN-E
    • When submitting ePayment: upload the invoice.


  • When submitting ePayment: upload W9 or W8-BEN and Flyer of Event with person’s name published and email document initiating the payment with account# and $ amount.
  • There are also restrictions when paying foreign individuals depending on Visa type.


  • To prevent taxation, the payment type should be ‘Travel Expense Domestic’ or ‘Travel Expense International.’
  • W9/W8-BEN are not required, but the address and contact information are needed to submit the payment.
  • When submitting ePayment: upload official receipts, and any other supporting documentation.
  • Some visitors may be reimbursed for travel as well as be recipients of honoraria for the same visit. These two payments should be handled as two separate ePayments and cannot be combined.

Supporting Documentation Standards

Each disbursement transaction must be supported by adequate documentation. This requirement is primarily driven by federal regulations, but even more basic than that-it is just good business practice. If the University is making the payment, it should know precisely what it is paying for. This document describes the various supporting documentation requirements of the University.

  • All receiptsmust sufficiently detail the item(s) that were purchased.
  • All expenses must be adequately documented whether a receipt is required.
  • Receiptsare required for all expenses of $75 or more – The exception to this rule is hotel/lodging expenses which must have receipts regardless of dollar amounts.
  • Meals charged to grants are required to have a detailed/itemized receipt no matter what amount.
  • A description of the good or service purchased/business purpose, date of purchase, and amount of expense must accompany all requests for reimbursement or payment.
  • Proof of Payment is required.
    • Lost receipts requirements:
      • 1) A note acknowledging the receipt(s) was lost
      • 2) Confirm reimbursement will not occur from another source
      • 3) Description of the item(s) that were purchased, business purpose, date of occurrence, and amount of expense

To learn more about How to buy research materials/office supplies, please contact your assigned Business Manager or the SSD LBC at, and the Business Manager assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.

Related links:

GEMS System Login Page:
GEMS Quick Start Guide:
Buysite System Login Page: