BuySite is a web-based purchasing application that allows faculty and departments to make purchases from university’s authorized suppliers. Buysite will be succeeded by Oracle in Winter 2024.
When preparing for a purchase, first check if the vendor is on the University’s BuySite purchasing system. The University maintains a list of preferred vendors for a variety of goods and services. Buysite may offer discounted rates when compared to other procurement methods. Those who will be submitting orders on a regular basis are encouraged to attend an in-class training session and review training videos.
If the desired good or service is not available on BuySite, or is cheaper elsewhere, ePayment or GEMS may be used. Information about purchasing policies and procedures can be found in the Financial Services.
There is no price limit on BuySite orders but additional steps and documentation are required for high value purchases. More details below:
- Purchases totaling $10,000 or less, including delivery, do not need price quotes.
- Purchases greater than $10,000 require competing quotes and documentation. The initiator must type the winning quote number in the “Quote #” box in the BuySite requisition. BuySite will reject requisitions over $10,000 where that box is blank.
- Purchases between $10,001 and $250,000 should have a minimum of two (preferably three) price quotes. Quotations need to be detailed in the Source and Price Reasonableness form, which must be attached to the BuySite order. Written price quotes are preferred and should be attached to the purchase requisition. It is the order initiator’s responsibility to solicit the quotes. If competing quotes are not available or if the lowest quote is not the preferred purchase, the situation should be explained on the form.
- Purchases over $250,000 must be submitted to Procurement Services to solicit the quotes via a ServiceNow
Some preferred supplier contracts have special order handling procedures that may be exceptions to the rules above. If in doubt, check the terms of the preferred supplier contracts.
Source and Price Reasonableness Form
The Source and Price Reasonableness form is an internal document that must accompany all purchase orders between $10,000 and $250,000 (guidance in assessing price reasonableness). This form should not be sent to the vendors or anyone outside of the University. Any quotes and pricing information received from the vendor should not be shared with anyone outside of the University.
Purchase Orders that do not go through BuySite or will require special handling:
- Orders to vendors who require payment in a foreign currency.
- Orders to vendors who require advance payment or scheduled payments before completion of delivery.
- Orders that require Purchasing Department contract negotiation, such as purchased vehicles. Such orders are not especially common and will usually involve negotiations with Purchasing before you are ready to place the requisition.
Adding a Vendor to the System
Sometimes a desired vendor may not be available in BuySite. If this issue is encountered, search for another vendor in the system that sells a comparable product. If there are no other available vendors, then contact your assigned Business Manager to request the addition of a new vendor and provide the following information: company name, full address, telephone and fax numbers, and a contact person.
Special Events
Special events are University-sponsored and may involve services, of any dollar amount, to be provided by a supplier on or off-campus grounds. When arranging contracted lodging, space rental, and/or catering for a special event, consult the guide found here.
Paying from an Invoice
A purchase not handled by requisition and purchase order can be processed through ePayment if the appropriate invoice and vendor/contractor paperwork is provided. However, in some cases it may be more appropriate to issue an after-the-fact purchase order through BuySite.
To learn more about gaining access and training in BuySite, please contact SSD Local Business Center at and the LBC Business Manager assigned to your accounts will get in touch with you within two business days.
Related links:
BuySite System Login Page: